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CWM Frequently Asked Questions
Last updated:   2001-04-04

Here you find a collection of Frequently Asked Questions about CWM. 

Thanks everyone who has submitted questions helping us developing the FAQ!



Q1: Has anyone written the Java class libraries that makes implementing CWM (especially on the server side) easier?

Yes. Many of the CWM co-submitting companies have done so.

Q2: When I create an SQL table, do I need to do anything special so that its definition can be exchanged using CWM?

You don't need to do anything special. CWM can exchange SQL tables without any special action on your part.

Q3: CWM is based upon UML 1.3 and the MOF. This is being done by Rational Rose, I think. Is this model available for use in a Rational Rose format to use this basic classes for a generalization of my Business objects?

The Rose model for CWM version 1.0 is now available. Document number ad/2001-02-07.

Q4: Is there a CWM SDK available?

Please contact the co-submitting companies individually.

Q5: I would like to know where can I find an example of the use of CWM OLAP metamodel?

Examples will be forthcoming.

Q6: Where I can find CWM UML model in Rose (*.mdl) format??

The Rose model for CWM version 1.0 is now available. Document number ad/2001-02-07. (Same as Q3).

Q7: Where i can find valid CWM DTDs? The DTDs in CWM specification (cwm2.pdf) are not valid!

CWM version 1.0 includes valid DTD files. See OMG documents ad/2001-02-04 and ad/2001-02-05.

Q8: Where can I get java class libraries for implementing CWM ? Are they available freely or do we need to buy them?

Please contact the co-submitting companies individually.

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